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Wrangler’s Special: Creamed Eggs on Toast

Need a new recipe for all those left over Easter eggs? As much as we love deviled eggs, this recipe is our absolute favorite way to eat boiled eggs! First, we hope everyone enjoyed their Easter Sunday and was able to have a few moments to worship and feel the love of Christ in their lives!

Creamed eggs on toast is a simple and quick recipe that always hits the spot. And, it's one you can change a little depending on how thick you'd like it, or more creamy if you weren't able to find every Easter egg during your hunt!

Start with shelling and chopping all your eggs to the preferred size. They can be big or small, whichever you'd rather. Set aside. Then, melt your butter and add salt and pepper to it. While it's melting, get your milk ready to go because once the flour and butter is whisked together, you'll need to add that immediately after.

Once you add the butter, flour, and milk, cook on medium high to cream it. Keep stirring so the bottom doesn't burn! If you'd like it really thick, keep adding a tablespoon or so of flour until the desired thickness is reached.

Lastly, move heat to medium and add your eggs, remembering to stir so the bottom doesn't burn! It can happen pretty quick, so don't feel too bad if it does. The rest of it will still taste good! Stir together until cream has become yellow and eggs are hot. Salt and pepper again to test.

This is the perfect treat to also pair with the best Easter movie: Ben Hur! If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it!


Wrangler Special: Creamed Eggs on Toast


12 boiled eggs

2tbsp butter

1/4 Salt

dash of Pepper

4tbsp flour

3 cups milk


  1. Shell and chop eggs, set aside

  2. Melt butter. Add salt and pepper

  3. Whisk in flour

  4. Immediately whisk milk in, cook medium high until thickens. Stir constantly

  5. Mix in chopped eggs until cream is yellow and eggs are hot.

  6. Salt and pepper to taste

  7. Serve on toast and enjoy!

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