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God Created Us to Till and Deemed Cattle as “Good”

Have you ever wondered why it’s agriculture, most specifically cattle, that’s so under attack with climate change activists and environmentalists? Why on earth would someone ever attack their food source?         

This question has weighed heavily on my mind and more every day. Where numbers and science are so obviously in favor of cattle and their natural resources and benefits, I just couldn’t figure it out. After all, this is our food and thousands of day to day products that we would lose. I was constantly dumbfounded. Until I went to the Bible. 

As I happened across verses from the creation, it caught my attention that man’s purpose on earth is to be tillers of the ground (Genesis 2). We’re supposed to cultivate, nurture, and till. In Deuteronomy we learn we are to lend to nations. We were created from the dust. We know that getting outdoors grounds us and soil has physical properties that help the chemicals in our brains be healthy and functioning properly. 

As a cowgirl, it made me specifically wonder about cattle and the direct attack on them. Science has proven over and over that through regenerative grazing cattle actually trap far more greenhouse gasses than what they emit. We even know early research that showed cattle flatulent as a concerning cause of methane was grossly overestimated, and still doesn’t come close to transportation or electricity. To top it off, beef is one of the most nutrient dense, bioavailable food source we have. A lab can’t reproduce half of what we get from a cow, in the meat or any other byproduct. Plant diets will not adequately sustain us. But I digress. 

If you search the Bible for references to cattle, we learn “Abram was very rich in cattle” after the Lord provided for him (Genesis 13:2). 

The very first chapter in the Bible talks about the creation of cattle: “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the…. cattle after their kind…and God saw that it was good.” 

Cattle were domesticated about 10,500 years ago. Now, obviously we don’t know the exact year man was created on Earth but we know it could be roughly 7,000 years if we go off of the 7 seals found in Revelation. As previously stated in Genesis, cattle have been around longer than men and have always been God’s way of providing for us. 

We know that Satan has always attacked what God has sanctioned and made holy. Now, in the Last Days, of course he would attack all he can before he is powerless at Christ’s coming. He knows that if he can put the control and power of everything, especially food, in corrupt hands, even more people will suffer and turn from God. He relishes in that, and as prince of this world (John 12:31), he’s very cunning. We learn in 2 Corinthians that he imitates the way of God and is very deceitful. After having thousands of years to practice leading away God’s children, he’s very good at what he does. Just turn on the news or open any social media outlet and you'll see it.

We have science and God’s law to back everything up. Agriculture and cattle give people power to provide for themselves. People have the numbers and the results every day, every meal on their own tables and health in their bodies and still they can’t see it. God has created an earth with creatures and a perfect system to not only protect life but to sustain it and make all His creatures thrive. As stated in Genesis we are to have dominion over them, to be stewards over the creations. We are to preserve and protect cattle and all within the earth’s hemisphere. 

Cattle are a gift from God. Agriculture is God’s way of providing nourishment to ourselves and each other. Many God-fearing people have lead the way in protecting God’s word and His law, and we must do so now. 

"Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe..." Joel 3:13

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