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Super Bowl or Super Bull?

From the Beef to the Ball

You've seen it in the field under the lights but what about the field where it all begins?

Odds are that you or someone you know is getting ready to watch the Super Bowl. Even those who hardly follow the sport of football will show up at Super Bowl parties. It’s a great way to get people together!

Now, it may seem like one of the farthest places from the ranch, but in reality, without agriculture the Super Bowl as it is would not be possible! What else does agriculture provide for your party you ask? More than you may think!

First, we need to look into the different kinds of products that come from any animal or plant. There are primary products, meaning things the animal makes or nature gives us through the animal: milk, beef, eggs, seeds, etc.. Then we have what are called “byproducts.” According to, a byproduct is a “secondary result of a primary process.” Basically, it’s what we make using the rest of the animal or plant, like cereal or perfume. Some of the byproducts might surprise you!

How many cows does it take to make a Super Bowl?

We all know leather comes from cowhides and is used to create footballs.

Did you know one cow will produce about 20 footballs? Guess how many footballs the Super Bowl alone uses...120 footballs! 54 footballs in a regular game. That’s 6 cows for just the Super Bowl footballs alone! One cowhide will also make 12 basketballs or 144 baseballs! Into tennis? Cows help make the racket, too! Volleyballs and soccer balls are also byproducts!

What about deodorant, shampoo, or toilet paper for our famous players and the people watching from the stands or at home? Yep! Those are all byproducts of cattle! Even the plant-based ones started on the farm.

Speaking of homes, even your Sheetrock is a byproduct of cattle! How about insulation to keep us warm? You got it! Another byproduct. Makeup for all those getting fancied up can be a byproduct of cattle! If your makeup is plant based, it’s still a byproduct of agriculture.

But I'm just hear for the food?

Are you one that just shows up for the food? Yep, most obvious here is agriculture brings us ALL our food. Despite popular belief, food does not simply show up in the stores. Farmers and ranchers work night and day to provide us with everything you find in the store shelves.

Do you come for just the company or hilarious commercials?

Your tires are a byproduct of cattle and your ethanol (gas) is a byproduct of corn. What about all that jet fuel getting our favorite teams from game to game or the companies traveling to create those beloved commercials? Yep, byproduct of cattle!

Chicken wings or beer?

Chicken wings more your preferred choice of food? Thank a farmer! Show up just for the beer? Beer is a byproduct of barely that, once again, comes from the farm. All of that is thanks to our many farmers and ranchers!

Without our farmers and ranchers, our every day lives would be drastically different.

Even just eliminating cattle would be disastrous to our every day way of life.

Through agriculture, life around the globe is made possible. Agriculture brings us EVERYTHING. So, the next time you eat, shower, or even use the bathroom, remember to thank a farmer!

Read more here (Arizona beef link) or do your own research by searching “what byproducts come from cattle?"

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