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Yorkshire Puddings from Our Family to Yours

This recipe is very special to me, as it has been passed down through several generations of stalwart English women and represents some of the incredible women in my heritage. Some of them I have had the privilege of cooking alongside of and all of them have taught me valuable life lessons. As they passed down this recipe, they also passed down their grit, their joy for life, and their faith. It's not only my favorite comfort food to eat because it tastes SO good, but also reminds me of all the women that have paved the way for me to continue their legacies of dreaming big.

As this has been handed down, some of them put their own tweak on the recipe, making it the perfect side to add to any roast and potato meal. There's many in my family that still cook it in muffin tins, but there's many that cook it in a large cake pan. I'm the latter. When I make them, I love eating them for dinner, leftovers, and even as a dessert, so, it's quicker and easier to make one big pan. Whichever works best for your meal, but more is always better with this recipe!

Just a heads up, Yorkshire puddings can be temperamental, but you've got this! Follow these steps as close as you can, but there is room for some error, so relax those shoulders. It'll be worth it!

Very first, get your pan ready by sticking it in a cold oven. Pour about 2tbsp of beef drippings (juice from your roast that's hopefully in your crockpot as you cook this) in the pan. You're welcome to use vegetable oil, shortening, or butter instead. Close the oven and turn on the 425 degrees F. Remember to put in the drippings before you turn on the oven! Part of the trick is to make sure everything in the pan is 425 degrees when you pour in the batter! Also, it's best to use a metal pan. My great grandma always used a glass one and never had issues, but I have! As typical science reactions, when we dump the cold batter into the hot pan sometimes it expands that glass so fast it breaks. If you're amazing at cooking and think you can handle it, you're welcome to! Just don't say I didn't warn you...

Now that your pan and drippings are warming up in the oven, it's time to turn to the batter. In a large bowl, beat 6 eggs until mixed well. Add 3 cups of milk and beat well. Slowly add 2 cups of flour to help prevent lumps. You can also add this into a blender to ensure no lumps and less tired wrists! Add 1/4 tsp of salt.

Remember that tricky part? It's time! Carefully open your oven and slide out the rack holding your pan. Carefully dump your batter into the pan and beef drippings. When finished, slide the rack back in and close the door. Another trick is to not take too much time dumping it. You want to keep your oven as hot as possible so they cook correctly. Be careful in dumping it but go as quick as you are comfortable to not let too much heat escape.

Set your timer for 18-20 min. You'll know they're done when they're fluffy and golden brown, and the middle is solid. It's common for them to deflate a small amount, but they should not be completely flat once they cool.

The best meal to eat it with is a beef roast, mashed potatoes, and a good supply of gravy! Drizzle that gravy all over them to your tasting and enjoy! After dinner, it's delicious to add whip cream and jam on it for a quick dessert! If you happen to have leftovers, stick them in the fridge and eat within a few days.

Special thanks to my incredible mother who taught me how to make these and kept the tradition going in our family! She is everything the women in our family have passed down and then some. I don't know many other moms who would let their daughter buy a horse while they themselves knew nothing about it. Thank you for letting me soar when it was easier to keep me on the ground!


Yorkshire Puddings Recipe


3 cups milk

2 cup flour

6 eggs

1/4 tsp salt

2 tbsp beef drippings, shortening, butter, or vegetable oil

pan size:

9x13 this recipe will fill two pans

12x16 this recipe will fill one pan


  1. In a cold oven, add pan with beef drippings on top rack and close. Heat the oven to 425 degrees F

  2. In a large bowl, beat eggs, milk, and flour till smooth. Add salt.

  3. Once oven and beef drippings are ready, dump batter into pan and let cook 18-20 min, or until fluffy and golden brown.

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