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The Puppet Masters: Unveiling the Global Elite’s Climate Charade

Updated: Mar 18

Climate change is a tool being effectively used by governments and global elitists around the world in order to control economies and food sources to gain leverage over individuals. While they have no intention of changing their own lifestyles, they are attacking ours and fighting to stop necessities like raising crops and cattle and eating beef. 

But it doesn't stop at limiting cattle. They’re attacking agriculture as a whole. While they live lavishly in their manufactured worlds, they are claiming that natural parts of nature (which have been for thousands of years) are now what's harming the planet!  It might be time to remind everyone what happened the last time a government forgot where its food came from.

Back in 1959, the Chinese government decided it was time to put agriculture on hold and push its country into an industrialized era. It forced farmers out of their fields and everyone in the workforce on jobs that would push their industrialization further. No one was allowed to stay and keep agriculture going, privately or commercially. 

Because food doesn’t come from the store, the country quickly ran out. Heartbreakingly, but not surprisingly, the greatest famine history had ever seen began, causing more than 36-45 million people to needlessly starve to death from 1959-1961. It doesn’t take long to see a country decimated over the loss of agriculture.  We may never truly know the exact amount of lives China lost in just a few short years.

Governments around the world are over-taxing, over-regulating, and under-powering everything in agriculture. Ireland has proposed they needlessly kill 200,000 cows just to reduce emissions by 2030. We are losing thousands of farms every year in America simply because the cost of operating is so high compared to what farmers actually make off their crops. Not to mention losing vital equipment used anywhere from growing crops to transporting food to stores in the sake of making everything electric as quickly as possible. 

When farmers sell, often it’s developmental companies buying the land to go to commercial use or homes. We lose 175 acres every hour to make way for housing and industrialization. This is some of the most fertile land, forcing farmers to move out and start again in rougher climates not ideal for farming, raising costs for the farmers and consumers everywhere.

A trend that is becoming bigger is elitists (like Bill Gates) that push for the stop of agriculture in the name of climate change are coming to buy the land. Even countries like China have been allowed to come buy American farm ground, seeing a 30% jump in their acreage just from 2019-2020. China already owns $870 billion in U.S. treasuries, it doesn't need our land, too. Xi Jinping has made it clear he wants to be the world leader, and soon. Owning more agriculture land in America, especially near military bases, should concern everyone. 

If our land is being bought by people who do not truly have America’s people and food source as their top priority, we would do well to be cautious and eliminate future purchasing. South Dakota recently passed a bill to not allow foreign countries to buy farm ground: “This bill will stop nations that hate America from buying up U.S. agricultural land. Foreign adversaries will do all they can to control America – and once they control the food supply, they will control the country. China’s ownership of American agriculture land has increased by 5,300% in just the past decade.” Well done, South Dakota. Let’s all follow suit, and quickly.

Crazy enough, while the Biden administration and global elitists try to put us out of production, Biden has sent $350 million dollars to support Ukraine’s agriculture and farmers while elitists also call for their support continuously. Yes, help others if our country is in a position to do so, but it’s not. Our farmers and ranchers are hurting and have been the entire time Biden has been in presidency. He recently spent $1 billion dollars in the name of “climate change” all while our border is in a national crisis. He plans to spend a total of $300 billion by 2030 and $500 billion by 2050. In his State of the Union address Biden claims he has helped family farms in America. You can search this yourself: nothing has come from Biden except more financial burdens, all for the sake of “climate change.” Our climate change movement is unsustainable. We know it, and so do the governments. 

Climate change is a farce. It’s an idea the global elite has come up with to control the world. When they fly their private jets and live their outlandish lifestyle, they’ll pay someone else to plant a few trees to offset their carbon footprint. If that actually worked, why can’t officials take into consideration the crops and trees farmers already plant to offset their percentage? Or why can't we look at how both cattle and their crops actually help to offset the emissions they produce and move onto an industry that doesn't have a natural way to offset their carbon? Or even the fact that all the warming cattle and crops produce is NOT actually new warming to the atmosphere? Farmers and ranchers have always been the environmentalists and stewards of the land. None know better how to nurture and replenish the environment than they do. If the government came into any other industry and act like they are towards agriculture, America would cry out and accuse the government of overreaching. All we ask is that you leave us alone and let us do our jobs to get your food on the table.

Taylor Swift has the highest carbon footprint of all celebrities, and yet society deems it ok because she can simply buy carbon credits to make up for it. Meanwhile, these global elites are calling for the stop of agriculture-America’s own food source- to help climate change, something they have no definitive proof is actually happening or being caused directly by agriculture. They are telling us that we need to stop eating beef because cattle are terrible for the climate and plant based diets are much more sustainable. In reality, while they dine on fine wagyu, they are killing our food source, our entire agriculture industry, our economy, and our independence from our government. 

If it was truly about climate change, they’d be willing to change their own lifestyle. Instead it’s about control. They know that fear and food are the biggest powers to control a people. They will have plenty of money to do whatever they wish as they rule the middle and lower classes. Amartya Sen, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, wisely reminded us: the rulers never starve

As they saw during the horrific famine in China, "He who controls the oil controls the nations. He who controls the food controls the people." While it's debatable who actually gets credit for the saying, history proves it to be true time and time again. Once we give up our independence to any group of people, the battle is lost. We must be able to feed and support our country. We must be able to live without dictatorship. That is sustainability.

 Absolutely we should care for our planet and find best practices that truly make a difference. But to them it’s not about saving the planet. It’s about ruining the economy and our food source so they control the people. Climate change is a tool to maintain economic superiority, force influence over nations, and shape the health and behaviors of the people to suit their personal interests. 

We must understand this and act against it now to safeguard not only the integrity of our food systems, but to support and secure American agriculture and the American People. Everyone deserves high quality food on their table and food sources that will truly sustain them. Many lives and sacrifices were made for America to be created to protect Her people. That they all may thrive independently of falsehoods and greedy higher powers. Let freedom ring!

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